The Hot and the Cold of it

Timely to be writing about temperature today. Yikes. It is promising to be a balmy 40 degrees in Toronto.

In design, temperature is often used to describe the quality and tone of a colour – warm tends to be earthy – golds, reds – while cool leans to the more soft – blues, whites. Warm plays well with warm and cool plays well with cool and never the twain shall meet. But there is an interesting shift in the fabric world – a brackish marriage of the two. Golds meeting greys, light blues meeting reds and I am drinking the Kool-Aid.

Material Play

Beyond the soft elements of a room’s architecture, I have taken to playing with material finishes in an unexpected way. I love the surprise of pairing golds and rubbed brass of either architectural elements like lighting or table legs with a much cooler scheme – think putty grey folded into cream. Or vice versa – polished nickel with warmer, earthier tones.

Same lack of rules applies to wood finish – fair maple and birch in place of richer walnut or swapping mellow teak for deeper mahogany.

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